GEO Reentry Connect

Second Chance Opportunities

Second Chance Opportunities

Gaining employment upon release is an important factor in a successful transition to the community, and is often a component of community supervision. Aside from making money to support yourself and family, a job enables you to feel productive, independent, and self-sufficient. There is a growing trend in the U.S towards hiring individuals with a criminal record, as seen in recent movements like Ban the Box and The Fair Chance Pledge. Below you will find an updated list of companies that offer second chance opportunities and an explanation of each movement.

Why give individuals with a record a second chance?

For one, everyone trying to better their lives after a period of incarceration deserves a second chance. Fortunately, the government agrees and has taken steps to provide incentives for companies who hire people with employment barriers, like reentrants. Employers who sign The Fair Chance Pledge and support the Ban the Box movements are eligible to receive up to $9,600 per year for each employee they hire.

Helping you overcome employment barriers

Ban the Box

This movement encourages employers to remove questions related to a criminal record from job applications. Employers may still ask questions once an applicant moves forward in the hiring process. More than half of the states across the U.S. have implemented Ban the Box. See if your state is part of the movement.

The Fair Chance Pledge

In 2016, under the Obama administration, the White House launched the Fair Chance Pledge. The pledge is a call to action for businesses and higher education institutions to eliminate employment and education barriers for individuals with a criminal record and creating a pathway for a second chance.1

Second chance employment opportunities

Below is list of businesses that encourage fair chances and support individuals with a criminal past. Note: Companies with an asterisk have signed the White House Fair Chance Pledge.

1 FACTSHEET: “White House Launches Fair Chance Business Pledge.” The White House Office of the Press Secretary. April 11, 2016.

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