A New Beginning—Part 4

Image shows a substance use addiction recovery meeting. Several men are sitting in chairs in a circle, engaged in discussion.

A Painful Setback

Marcus was staying on track with his probation conditions and maintaining his sobriety. He had moments of doubt and confusion, but overall, he felt positive about where he was at his life and the progress that he had made to reclaim his life.

He attended regular support group meetings and felt like he was doing well with his recovery. But then, one day Marcus suffered a setback when he was injured while working at a construction site.

The pain was excruciating, and Marcus found himself struggling to cope. He knew that he shouldn’t take any medication without a prescription, but the pain and temptation was overwhelming.

Staying Strong in the Face of Temptation

A friend offered him some pain pills. Marcus was torn. Part of him wanted to take the pills and numb the pain, but he knew that it would lead him down a dangerous path. He remembered the advice from the Get Started Workbook:

“Support groups can help you maintain your sobriety. However, if you currently struggle with substance use or have a relapse, seek medical treatment.”

Marcus knew that he needed to stay strong and resist the temptation. He declined his friend’s offer and went to the nearest hospital.

Finding Treatment

At the hospital, Marcus was honest about his past addiction and his concerns about taking pain medication. The doctor understood his situation and prescribed a non-narcotic pain reliever instead. Marcus was thankful to have found a solution that didn’t jeopardize his sobriety.

Recovery Meetings

In addition to seeking medical treatment, Marcus knew that he needed to continue attending his support group meetings. The Get Started Workbook emphasizes the importance of community in recovery:

“We understand recovery is a personal journey, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Various organizations offer compassionate support through free meetings and services. While approaches may differ, their shared goal is guiding you towards lasting sobriety.”

Marcus attended his regular 12-step meeting and shared his experience with the group. He was met with understanding and support, and he left the meeting feeling more determined than ever to stay on the path of recovery.

Relapse Prevention

As Marcus continued to heal from his injury, he knew that he needed to be cautious to prevent relapsing. The Get Started Workbook provides a helpful chart for identifying triggers and planning coping strategies:

“Recovering is a journey with hurdles, but you’re not alone. Triggers, whether physical or emotional, can derail progress uniquely for each person. Identify your triggers and plan coping strategies using the chart. This will help you through the ups and downs, one step at a time.”

Marcus filled out the chart in the workbook and shared it with his support group and his probation officer. He knew he may face challenges again in the future, but he was determined to stay strong and keep moving forward.

Substance Use Resources

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Published On: August 19th, 2024|Categories: Substance Use Resources|

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