A native of Puerto Rico, Aurea reports that her history of maladaptive behaviors began when she was around the age of 21. At that point, she began to indulge in alcohol and drug use which subsequently lead to troubles with the law. In total, her criminal history led to 15 arrests and two convictions.
Aurea’s Cornerstone
In the year 2000, Aurea was arrested for the last time and sentenced to 120 days at a residential reentry center. Aurea reports that the opportunity to receive treatment opposed to traditional incarceration helped change her life. She has been living a pro-social lifestyle since. Since her release in October 2000, Aurea has been a very active member of the Alumni Association at the reentry center, holding executive board positions for several years. She is a proud mom grateful to be living a positive lifestyle that enables her to be there for her son. She has gone back to school and is pursuing her Associate’s Degree in Social Services.