Category: Employment Resources

Employment Tips to Land the Job You Want

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Q&A with Vanessa Q., Reentry Program Supervisor Securing a job after incarceration is often a top reentry priority for individuals making the transition to the community. Job hunting takes time, patience, and planning. We spoke with Vanessa Q., a Reentry Program Supervisor in California who specializes in job readiness, educational programming, and vocational training enrollment [...]

Second Chance Opportunities

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Gaining employment upon release is an important factor in a successful transition to the community, and is often a component of community supervision. Aside from making money to support yourself and family, a job enables you to feel productive, independent, and self-sufficient. There is a growing trend in the U.S towards hiring individuals with a [...]

Changes in Employment – What This Means for the Reentrant in 2021

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Under normal circumstances, returning citizens struggle to find employment, and employment opportunities have been even more scarce due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses have had to temporarily or permanently close, and for those that have remained open. social-distancing safety measures have drastically affected the job market and environment. As a result, many companies and [...]

What to Do When Your Job Application Requires a Background Check

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Are you trying to find employment for a job that requires a background check? With a criminal background, it’s natural to feel some anxiety. Before walking away from an opportunity, take the time to understand what employers are looking for and what information is being generated when they pull a background check. Below you will [...]

A Rough Start

After serving her sentence, Tanya returned home to an unstable living environment. While incarcerated, her apartment was broken into, and most of her belongings were stolen or damaged. Tanya was left with little to nothing and felt like a stranger in her own home. Very quickly, Tanya realized that if she was going to have [...]

Venturing Off Track

Al-Tariq and his siblings grew up in a single parent home. Raised by his mother and maternal grandmother, he excelled in school and avoided getting into trouble with the law despite his tough childhood. Al-Tariq received a full scholarship to a preparatory high school, but his curiosity led him to drug experimentation and hanging out [...]

The Wrong Crowd

Darris was the youngest of 10 children and lived with both parents until they divorced when he was 7 years old. As a teenager he started hanging out with the wrong crowd, dropping out of high school by the age of 16. Darris developed a drug and alcohol dependency which led to criminal activity and [...]

Growing Up In Detention

Lonnie grew up in a single-parent home and was the middle child of three siblings. Because of his upbringing and the lifestyle to which he was exposed, he turned to the streets and got involved in criminal activities at a young age. By 13 years old, Lonnie was arrested and sent to a juvenile detention [...]

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