Category: Employment Resources

Empowering the Formerly Incarcerated: Second Chance Trucking Companies

Upon release from prison, individuals face numerous challenges, including finding employment. This is where second chance companies come in. Second chance companies are businesses that hire or provide services for individuals with criminal records. These companies not only offer job opportunities, but also help rebuild trust and provide a sense of purpose for those who [...]

Small Business Ideas You Can Start with Less than $100

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Starting your own business can be a great way to earn a living, and it allows you to work on your own schedule, bypass background checks, and take control of your finances. Some businesses require a lot of money and time to begin; however, there are several businesses you can start right now with less [...]

Second Chance Month Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Webinar Recap

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In honor of Second Chance Month, GEO Reentry Connect invited Inmates to Entrepreneurs to teach our participants how to start a business. During this free two-hour webinar, participants heard from guest speakers Josh Nowack, Claudia Shivers, and Brandon Lowery as they shared their experiences about starting a business post-incarceration. Participants were engaged in the discussion [...]

Career Series 4: The Federal Bonding Program—What It Is and How to Benefit from It

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What are Fidelity Bonds? Fidelity bonds are a type of insurance for employers that covers dishonest acts of new employees within the first six months of employment. These bonds cover theft, forgery, larceny, embezzlement, and other acts of employee dishonesty. Fidelity bonds are purchased by companies due to state requirements or to provide peace of [...]

Employment Tips to Land the Job You Want

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Q&A with Vanessa Q., Reentry Program Supervisor Securing a job after incarceration is often a top reentry priority for individuals making the transition to the community. Job hunting takes time, patience, and planning. We spoke with Vanessa Q., a Reentry Program Supervisor in California who specializes in job readiness, educational programming, and vocational training enrollment [...]

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