Category: Health Insurance Resources

A New Beginning—Part 6

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As Marcus continued his journey of recovery and reintegration, he started feeling unwell, experiencing symptoms like persistent fatigue, frequent headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Without health insurance, Marcus grew increasingly worried about how he would afford the necessary medical care to address these issues. He knew that access to healthcare was crucial for his ongoing recovery [...]

Closing the Health Insurance Gap for Justice-impacted Individuals

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Justice-impacted individuals often find themselves facing a significant health gap, with limited access to essential medical services. According to a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, released in 2022, formerly incarcerated individuals are more likely to suffer from chronic health conditions, mental health issues, and substance use disorders compared to the general population. Source: [...]

Prescription Assistance Programs

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Getting your prescriptions at an affordable price may be one of the challenges you face after incarceration. With or without insurance, medications can be very expensive. According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, U.S. prescription drug spending in 2020 was nearly triple from 20 years ago, and this spending is projected to keep increasing. This [...]

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