Mentoring Programs

Mentorship to Reach Your Goals

Enhance Your Reentry Journey Through Mentoring

At GEO Reentry Connect, we believe in the transformative impact of mentoring programs on both mentors and mentees. Through leadership mentoring, our mentors not only provide essential support, but also foster leadership skills in mentees, preparing them for successful integration and future opportunities.

Peer Mentoring: A Pillar of Support

Our peer mentors, having firsthand experience with incarceration and reentry, are uniquely positioned to offer continuous guidance and support. They play a crucial role in connecting mentees to vital community resources, such as affordable housing, medical care, substance use recovery programs, and transportation services. This peer-to-peer support system is instrumental in building confidence and resilience among those reentering society.

Become a Mentor: Make a Lasting Impact

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, GEO Reentry Connect welcomes your contribution. Our mentors often report that the rewards of mentoring—such as personal growth, enhanced leadership skills, and the satisfaction of making a significant difference—are as profound for them as they are for their mentees. By joining our mentoring program, you’ll receive mentor training to ensure you’re well-equipped to meet the mentoring goals and positively influence someone else’s life.

Get Connected. Select a Mentorship Program.

Fill out the form below to find a mentor or become a mentor, then click submit. We’ll get right back to you.

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Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

– John C. Crosby
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