Category: Blog

A New Beginning—Part 6

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As Marcus continued his journey of recovery and reintegration, he started feeling unwell, experiencing symptoms like persistent fatigue, frequent headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Without health insurance, Marcus grew increasingly worried about how he would afford the necessary medical care to address these issues. He knew that access to healthcare was crucial for his ongoing recovery [...]

A New Beginning—Part 4

A Painful Setback Marcus was staying on track with his probation conditions and maintaining his sobriety. He had moments of doubt and confusion, but overall, he felt positive about where he was at his life and the progress that he had made to reclaim his life. He attended regular support group meetings and felt like [...]

A New Beginning—Part 2

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The Struggle to Find a Home Marcus’s next hurdle was to find a place to live. He knew that his criminal record would make it challenging, but he was determined to find a stable home. He started by searching online at, looking for affordable rentals in his area. However, many landlords conducted background checks [...]

National Reunification Month: Keeping Families Together 

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Thanks to National Reunification Month, observed every June, there is more emphasis on the importance of keeping families together. The absence of a family member due to incarceration can be an emotional experience, and the reunion may include a mix of feelings as well. Whether welcoming back a child, parent, or partner, or trying to [...]

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