Category: Blog

Create Healthy Habits Post Incarceration

Habits set the pattern for your life. Habits are the things you do every day without thinking about it, so developing good habits is the key to setting yourself up for success. Developing new habits takes repetition, so after a few weeks of persistence your new habits will be second nature. Here are some healthy [...]

How to Set New Year’s Resolutions and Stick to Them

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For many people, the beginning of a new year signifies a blank slate and a chance to start fresh. Some like to set a resolution at the beginning of each year of things they would like to change or improve throughout the coming year. The most popular resolutions typically involve self-improvement such as to lose [...]

Overcoming Winter Blues

What are Winter Blues? As the days become shorter and there are less daylight hours, you may find yourself feeling down. Approximately five percent of Americans face seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a type of depression triggered by the change of seasons. Even if you do not face SAD, it is still very common [...]

How to Reconnect with Your Community Post-incarceration

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After incarceration, you may reenter your community to realize you’ve lost that sense of connection to your town. Depending on the length of your incarceration, a lot may have changed within your community, and you may feel like an outsider. Luckily, there are ways to rebuild that connection such as clubs, volunteering, and meetup groups. [...]

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

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Gratitude is one of the most positive emotions you can feel, and it comes from being grateful for all that you have no matter how big or small. Gratitude can overpower negative emotions and induce positivity into your life. When you are grateful for what you already have, you open the door for more good [...]

Stress Awareness Day: Tips for Managing Stress

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What is stress? Stress is normal, and nearly everyone gets stressed at one point or another. Prolonged stress, however, can create a large mental strain that negatively affects your well-being. Excessive stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks as well as physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, weakened immune system, and trouble [...]

Understanding Child Support—Where to Start?

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Parents with child support obligations are often unaware that child support accrues while incarcerated, leaving them with significant debt upon release. In fact, the average debt for parents formerly incarcerated is $20,000 to $36,000.1 This debt can make your community reintegration more challenging. So, how can you fulfill your financial obligations to your family, ensure your [...]

Voting Laws Have Changed— Are You Eligible?

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Over the last few decades, reform efforts have worked to reinstate voting rights for justice-involved individuals. From 2016 to 2020, 13 states have expanded voting rights for individuals with felony convictions, but only a quarter made it back to the polls1. These rights vary by state, and with so many different variables, it’s may be [...]

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