Category: Blog

Small Business Ideas You Can Start with Less than $100

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Starting your own business can be a great way to earn a living, and it allows you to work on your own schedule, bypass background checks, and take control of your finances. Some businesses require a lot of money and time to begin; however, there are several businesses you can start right now with less [...]

Prescription Assistance Programs

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Getting your prescriptions at an affordable price may be one of the challenges you face after incarceration. With or without insurance, medications can be very expensive. According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, U.S. prescription drug spending in 2020 was nearly triple from 20 years ago, and this spending is projected to keep increasing. This [...]

Finding Help & Support: A Look at Free Mental Health Resources from NAMI & SAMHSA

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In today's world, mental health has become increasingly important. One of the biggest challenges after incarceration is finding the right resources for your peace of mind. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health disorder, there are free mental health resources that can help. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and [...]

Second Chance Month Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Webinar Recap

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In honor of Second Chance Month, GEO Reentry Connect invited Inmates to Entrepreneurs to teach our participants how to start a business. During this free two-hour webinar, participants heard from guest speakers Josh Nowack, Claudia Shivers, and Brandon Lowery as they shared their experiences about starting a business post-incarceration. Participants were engaged in the discussion [...]

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