Create Healthy Habits Post Incarceration

Habits set the pattern for your life. Habits are the things you do every day without thinking about it, so developing good habits is the key to setting yourself up for success. Developing new habits takes repetition, so after a few weeks of persistence your new habits will be second nature. Here are some healthy habits that you can incorporate into your life.
Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast can jumpstart your day by boosting your metabolism and fueling your mind and body with the nutrients it needs to function. Skipping breakfast may cause you to feel fatigued and can increase your chances of overeating later in the day. Prioritizing healthy eating habits can make a tremendous difference in your life. Food is fuel for your body so opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods whenever possible.
It is no secret that daily exercise is beneficial for you both physically and mentally. Even a 15-minute walk every day can help you relieve stress, boost your mood, and improve your physical well-being. Finding exercise that you enjoy and look forward to will make incorporating an exercise routine into your schedule much easier.
Do Something to Further Your Goals
Set aside some time each day to do at least one thing that is going to help you reach your reentry goals. If your goal is to get a job, spend time every day searching for and applying to jobs, improving your resume, or preparing for interviews. If your goal is to further your education, spend time researching what steps you need to take, decide where you want to go, and apply.
Just like other muscles in your body, your brain needs to be regularly exercised to stay strong. Reading daily can help improve your memory and critical thinking skills as well as possibly lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Reading can better your mood, reduce stress, strengthen your imagination and comprehension, as well as help you sleep.
Meditation is a great practice to incorporate into your routine because there are many mental and physical benefits. Meditation increases your blood flow which in turns slows down your heart rate to help reduce stress and provide a sense of peace and balance. Meditating regularly can also increase your creativity, patience, and self-awareness.
Connect with Loved Ones
Set aside time each day to call or visit a loved one. Building and maintaining strong relationships is important. Surrounding yourself with those who care about you will offer you a support system to help keep you accountable as well as connections to lean on if you need help. We are often influenced by those closest to us, so friends that are responsible, motivated, and kind are going to inspire you to build yourself up.
Keep a Clean Space
Clean a little bit every day so that messes do not pile up and become overwhelming. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says “don’t put it down, put it away.” Instead of putting dirty clothes on the floor, put it in the hamper. Instead of putting dirty dishes in the sink, place them straight into the dishwasher. Keeping your living space clean and clutter-free has been linked to many health benefits such as improved focus, reduced stress, and better sleep quality. Our physical space often serves as a representation of our inner mind, and if your space is cluttered it will impact your ability to think clearly and relax.
Do not underestimate the value of good habits. Maintaining good habits allows the small things you do every day to compound into large payoffs over time. Doing something small each day to improve your mind and body will enhance your overall quality of life.