

The Wrong Crowd

February 5th, 2020|

Darris was the youngest of 10 children and lived with both parents until they divorced when he was 7 years old. As a teenager he started hanging out with the wrong crowd, dropping out of high school by the age [...]

A Longtime Addict

February 2nd, 2020|

Joshua was an active addict involved with drugs for as long as he can remember. He went to prison at 26 years old and did fourteen months on the inside. While in prison he made the decision to start a [...]

Growing Up In Detention

February 1st, 2020|

Lonnie grew up in a single-parent home and was the middle child of three siblings. Because of his upbringing and the lifestyle to which he was exposed, he turned to the streets and got involved in criminal activities at a [...]

His Father’s Dream

January 22nd, 2020|

Edgar was the first child born in the United States to a traditional Portuguese family. His father came here with a dream of great opportunity and a better life for his children. Edgar’s father taught his family to work hard, [...]

Faith Helps

January 10th, 2020|

Gary comes from a large family of nine, he is married and has seven children. He depends on his faith to maintain his sobriety. When offering advice, Gary recommends recovering addicts take one step at a time, and make sure [...]

Total Transformation

December 10th, 2019|

Dejon was incarcerated for 7 ½ years and during that time realized he needed to make a major transformation in the way he thought and acted. He realized the best way to change himself was starting from within and building [...]

Focus on Needs

October 10th, 2019|

Tobin worked with his case managers as he prepared to leave prison. Because of his sex offender status, he knew it would be difficult to find housing. A New Opportunity After a month of searching for work, Tobin’s probation officer [...]

Fitting In

September 10th, 2019|

At 13, Tim smoked marijuana for the first time, so that he would fit in with other kids. He was the oldest son of a proud Irish-Catholic police officer and grew up middle class. Tim attended Catholic school and was [...]

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