Career Series 4: The Federal Bonding Program—What It Is and How to Benefit from It
What are Fidelity Bonds? Fidelity bonds are a type of insurance for employers that covers dishonest acts of new employees within the first six months of employment. These bonds cover theft, forgery, larceny, embezzlement, and other acts of employee dishonesty. [...]
Career Series 3: How to Build a Resume
If it’s been a while since you last applied for a job, you may need to update your resume. Your resume serves as an introduction to an employer, and it is an opportunity to highlight the skills and traits that [...]
Career Series 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Finding a Job
One of the most difficult challenges you may face after your release is finding a job. You may be overwhelmed with the process and not sure where to start. Here are some tips for securing a job after your release. [...]
Career Series 1: How to Select a Career
When it comes to searching for a job, you may feel overwhelmed by all the different options. Choosing a potential career path or vocation might seem like a daunting task, but with some careful consideration you can determine the best [...]
Create Healthy Habits Post Incarceration
Habits set the pattern for your life. Habits are the things you do every day without thinking about it, so developing good habits is the key to setting yourself up for success. Developing new habits takes repetition, so after a [...]
How to Set New Year’s Resolutions and Stick to Them
For many people, the beginning of a new year signifies a blank slate and a chance to start fresh. Some like to set a resolution at the beginning of each year of things they would like to change or improve [...]
Overcoming Winter Blues
What are Winter Blues? As the days become shorter and there are less daylight hours, you may find yourself feeling down. Approximately five percent of Americans face seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a type of depression triggered by the [...]
How to Reconnect with Your Community Post-incarceration
After incarceration, you may reenter your community to realize you’ve lost that sense of connection to your town. Depending on the length of your incarceration, a lot may have changed within your community, and you may feel like an outsider. [...]
How Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Gratitude is one of the most positive emotions you can feel, and it comes from being grateful for all that you have no matter how big or small. Gratitude can overpower negative emotions and induce positivity into your life. When [...]